"...Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."  ~Phil. 3:13-14

Such an impactful passage of scripture.  Every one of us at some point in life get hung up with our past.  Whether it be good or bad.  But, the Bible plainly tells us to "forget the past".   It tells us to "strain" toward our future.  In the original language, "straining" means to "reach for"; as if you're reaching for something.  Visualize yourself extending your arm & reaching out for something.  This is what the Bible is telling us to do! 

"Forgetting" in the original root language means to be "unaware".  So, the Bible tells us to not get caught up in / live in, our past.  It tells us to move on with our lives, making a difference in this world as we live each day, focusing on our glorious future with Christ.  Our ultimate aspirations should not be what we achieve on earth, but heavenward.

Let us not get stagnated by our pasts.  Let's not reside there.  Our past is over.  The past was there for a reason.  What we do in our present is learn from our past, and use it to make a difference in our future.  God has given us permission, tells us, allows us to move on.  Let's do what he asks.

I'm pressing on.  Will you?  Join me in the journey.




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