God knows...

 When things are not allowed to happen, it's for our own good.  I don't know what's in my tomorrow, but God does.  And, He has ONLY good & what's BEST for me.  When trials do assail, He promises me that ALL things work together for the good.  That slamming door was obviously a huge NO.  I must trust Him on it.

I must COMPLETELY rely on His guidance & not on MY wants.  "My" ways are not His ways.  "My" thoughts are not His thoughts.  But, I strive daily in growing to have the mind of Christ.  Growing pains, learning curves, attacks from the enemy can be frustrating.  But, if I totally rely on "He who lives within me is greater than he that is within the world", then I will have peace with whatever door closes..... or simply, one that doesn't open.  God knows... period.


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