The "Mystery" of Christ

The "mystery" of Christ is .... The Church! 

Ephesians 3:2-10

CHURCH = born again believers in Jesus Christ 
                   It is the active plan of God for unifying Jesus-believing Jews and Jesus-believing Gentiles into "one body" = the Church of Jesus Christ. (Eph. 3:2-6)  How exciting is this?!   A unified body of "one" to do the Lord's work!


This mystery was hidden to past generations, a secret; until it was revealed by the Spirit to God's apostles and prophets (for preaching and teaching). (v. 5) (Eph. 2:20)

>>>>> Past Generations:  Old Testament
                    The mystery of the Church was hidden, a secret, in the OT because Jesus had not come, yet.  Though, it was prophesied in the OT (Romans 15:9-12) that Gentiles (anyone not Jewish) would turn to the God of Israel and be saved; that they would come into unity with believing Jews on an equal footing was unexpected.

***It is quite exciting to know that our human race can be unified into one body through Jesus, and that through the Church God does His business here on earth!  It is through the Church that God's wisdom is made known!  What a privilege to be in the body of Christ and among the saints of old in administering God's truth and wisdom! ♥

There is beauty and unity in Jesus Christ!


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