Sin-living Fellowship

As Believers, can we live in sin and live in fellowship with Christ? 

 It can't be done. 

"Living" in sin is not living in fellowship with Christ. When one is living in sin, he/she is out of fellowship with the Lord.  He can't look upon sin.  Yes, as Believers, we are forgiven of our sins when we accept Jesus as our Savior, and God sees our sins no more; but I'm not talking about that.  I'm talking about walking in fellowship with Him.

<< Diminished Relationship >>

God is a perfect and holy God, and cannot look upon sin.  So, as Believers, when we sin, it causes us to diminish our relationship with Him.  That is why we need to always ask for forgiveness.... to keep the relationship and communication with God open.  No one is sinless on this earth.  We are not perfect.  We do sin.  That is why we need to ask forgiveness of all that we do in opposition to living how God intends for us to live.

Think about it this way.... when a child is disobedient to the parent, it causes a rift in the relationship, right?  If that child doesn't apologize, or isn't contrite, then the rift continues and a distance in the fellowship can grow.  BUT... when the child apologizes, forgiveness ensues and the relationship is made whole, again!  This is the exact same thing with God!  If we don't apologize and ask forgiveness, there becomes a distance in the fellowship with our Father. 

So, living a lifestyle of sin creates a rift and distance between you and your heavenly Father.  He can't walk with you, fellowship with you in your continual, unapologetic sin.  And, when this happens, He can and will remove blessings from your life.  Plus, you're pretty much on your own.  Dread the thought of walking this life without a Protector!  Someone who SPOKE the world into existence and can bless your socks off.... and you ignore Him!  Not to mention the deep peace, joy, and comfort He provides.  There are people in this world that go crazy, and who commit suicide because they have no peace, no hope, no answers.  And, as Believers, we have to be careful not to get caught up in the waves of life that lead us so far out into the ocean's abyss, that we lose our way.... and our hope. 

No, your life isn't worth sacrificing fellowship with the Lord in order to live in sin.  Sin is temporary.  It will take you no where but down.  Living in fellowship with God Almighty will take you up --- and give you blessings indescribable!

<< My Testimony >>

I can speak this because I've been there, done that.  Never losing hope, but always knowing God was "there".  I was a disobedient child and turned my back on God and actually said to Him,
"I'm going over here for a little bit (sin-living), but I'll be back."  

Can you even believe the audacity of this statement!  What arrogance!  Oh, how great is the mercy of our God!  And, let me tell you the reality of this..... by the time I was finished sin-living (actually when God said ENOUGH!).... I couldn't see the shore any longer!  I turned around and the shore was no longer in view!  Yes, my sin-living took me farther than I could even have imagined!  And, it took awhile to get back to shore!  No more!  I want NO MORE of that!

Image result for vast ocean

My growth was stunted spiritually, emotionally, and in finding my purpose because I lived in sin, and there was a loss of blessings the Lord promises He will give us.  Yes, I was a carnal Christian.  God was not pleased.  But, yet, He protected me during my folly.  I can't understand this, but I just know my life could have been so much worse than what I experienced.  In hindsight, I pretty much played Russian Roulette with God.  Not wise at all!  Just because we are His children, doesn't mean He won't lift His hand of protection in order to bring us back to the fold.   But, God used other methods in my life in order to do that.  Sorrowful, painful, heartbreaking methods in order to get my attention.  And, I'm happy to say my life is more abundant and rewarding than it has ever been!

Want a joyful, contented, peaceful life?  Then, don't take a chance living in sin.  You will lose every time. 

Either live in sin and be ensnared.... OR .... live in fellowship with Christ and be FREE!

Living in fellowship with Jesus is a beautiful life!  


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