Plus size Miss Universe contestant.... is there room for this?
Congratulations to Mirella Paz on becoming an official
MISS UNIVERSE Peru 2016 contestant!
AND....she's plus size!!
Making strides!!!
What are YOUR thoughts on this, though?
- Should pageants be segregated by size?
- What if the shoe were on the opposite foot? Would thin contestants be welcomed in a plus size pageant?
- What does the criteria for competing look like with this?
- If plus size is going to be allowed, should there be a weight/size limit?
- If women are "all equal", then how can there be a limit on weight/size?
- How does one judge a thin contestant against a full figured contestant?
Weigh in below in the comment section. I'm curious as to what your thoughts are.
#loveWHOyouareWHEREyouare but #workonbeinghealthy #beautyisforall #missuniverseperu
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